Now we are in 2021. It’s a new year, and I have some questions for you. Are your important documents up to date? Your insurance, your driver license, your work permit, your passport, your car registration, etc. What about the food in your pantry? And your credit card payments? Are all of these things up to date? 

All documents have an expiration date, and each one of us fights to keep our documents updated to avoid problems and delays in our life.

Everyone looks at the date of birth to help identify a person, but people rarely think about the date of death. Yes, everyone has an expiration date (so to speak) that is unknown to anyone. But it is clear that no one will live forever on this earth. There is a date that none of us will live past. 

The biggest problem is that many don’t even take it seriously. 

And it’s not just today that people don’t take their spiritual life seriously. In Biblical times it was the same.

Take a look at what God said to this person:

‘Fool! This night your soul will be required of you; then whose will those things be which you have provided?’

“So is he who lays up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God.” (Luke 12:20-21) 

Don’t allow this to happen to you. What if today was your expiration date? I’m not trying to put fear into anyone but actually hope because those who take this seriously can look forward to the promise of eternal peace, freedom from hurt, pain, sadness, and hate, unlike what we experience in this world every day. 

Your expiration date here on earth can be your start date of a life with God, as long as you invest in your spiritual life now. But your expiration date on earth will be the starting date of real pain if you neglect your spiritual life and put it on the back burner. 

Make sure that you put your priorities in the right place now at the start of this year, and you will have a blessed 2021 and beyond!

May the God of the Bible bless you.

Bishop Joshua Fonseca