Whenever you listen to a Christian song or watch a Christian tv show or movie, you need to see if it matches with the scriptures or not. Because if it doesn’t, then it will not add anything to your life. You might as well be watching a secular film or hearing a secular song. Because the so-called “Christian” media source is full of nothing but emotion.

You can be serving as an usher, deacon or even a pastor in a church, but if your faith is built on emotion, it will not work. And what is a faith built on emotion? It’s the faith that is based on feelings. When the person feels tingles while they pray, they say, “oh, God is touching me”. But when they feel nothing, they think God abandoned them. When the song is so nice, they even cry.

But when they leave the church and face life’s problems, they cry for a different reason… because they have no idea what to do to solve the problems.

You see that’s the problem with living an emotional faith. It makes you live your life swaying with every wind that blows. When the wave is pushing one way, you go that way, but when it changes direction, you change with it. You become a follower, a weak person, someone that needs more and more emotional support to be happy.

The bible says, “For we walk by faith, not by sight.” 2 Corinthians 5:7 That’s it! It’s about faith, not sight, smell, touch, taste, etc. It’s not about what is in front of you. It’s about what God can do.. which is anything.

So stop living by emotion and wake up your faith. You have a power inside of you that can change your life.

May the God of the Bible Bless You.

Bishop Bira Fonseca