When we see signs of danger, our first instinct is to flee. We don’t want to be hurt or caught in a situation that could harm us. Our brain alerts us of the danger and instructs us to run away.

Humans are not the only ones who have this instinct. Animals also know when danger is near. Even certain plants, believe it or not, also do.

Yes, we run away from danger, but we also can become a danger. Who can we be a danger to? The devil. He works more often than people realize: A problem comes out of nowhere, a sickness, a relationship issue, troubled children, depression, and the list goes on. Before you know it, your faith is weaker than ever, and it seems there’s no way out. That is his trap; he tries to beat us down to nothing, but we have the power to make him run away.

“Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.” James 4:7

When we submit to God, we become a danger to the devil. When we live in obedience to God’s word, seek His strength and guidance, and live a life hand in hand with Him, the devil sees and runs away in fear.

When you walk with God, you become stronger than you ever thought possible, and your life will reflect this. So, decide today: submit to God, resist the devil, and become a danger to all that is wrong in your life.

May the God of the Bible bless you!

Bishop Bira Joshua