I have a question for you. Can shipwreck be intentional?

In my opinion, I believe that if a sailor chooses to reject the warning signs and alerts that he receives, then he is intentionally causing the ship to wreck.

On the other hand, how can shipwreck be unintentional?

If the sailor does everything in his power to obey the warning signs and alerts but some other ship causes the collision. That would be totally out of his hands and could not have been avoided.

Many people are suffering spiritual shipwreck these days because they fail to obey the warning signs and alerts.

In Bible days it was the same, as you can see it the passage below:

Having faith and a good conscience, which some having rejected, concerning the faith have suffered shipwreck, (1 Tim 1:19)

You have just been warned by this post and I encourage you to obey the warning signs.

Your faith and a good conscience is sufficient to keep you afloat in this time filled with storms in your life.

I started the post with a question, and let me end with two more…

What are the warning signs that God has been showing you? Are you paying attention?

May the God of the Bible bless you,

Bishop Bira Joshua