No one is an island and each of us at some point, needs help from others.

Since we took our first breath, we relied on others to aid our existence. Our first helper and caregiver is usually our mother, who provides us with love, nourishment, and protection. As we grow older, we continue to rely on others for support, guidance, and assistance in various aspects of our lives – and we are thankful for having them.

However, as much as these people care for us, they are only human and may not always be available to help us when we need them most.

Thankfully, there is one Helper who never sleeps, never tires, and never leaves us alone – the Holy Spirit. Nothing is impossible for Him: depression, family, health, financial problems, addiction, and sadness. The size of your problem doesn’t matter.

The Holy Spirit is a promise Jesus made to those who believe; a promise of constant companionship, guidance, comfort, and help.

In John 14: 15-16, Jesus says: “If you love me, keep my commandments. And I will pray to the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever.”

The Holy Spirit is accessible at all times, ready to provide us with wisdom and advice during good times and bad. Nonetheless, there are two necessary steps we must follow to experience these benefits:

  1. Following Jesus’ commands is not always easy, as it often requires us to put others before ourselves and to do things that may be difficult or uncomfortable and to put aside our selfish desires and do what is right. However, obeying His teachings makes us more like Him in our thoughts, words and actions.
  2. Seeking to receive the Holy Spirit is also crucial. Through the Holy Spirit’s guidance and wisdom, we can understand God’s will for our lives, overcome obstacles and challenges, and live in a way that honors Him.

Obeying Jesus’ commands and seeking the Holy Spirit’s guidance are the keys to having a faithful and steadfast helper in life 24/7.

May the God of the Bible bless you!

Bishop Bira Joshua