Many of us grew up learning how to be tough. Rough playground tussles, growing up with older siblings, going to new classes and meeting new people. All of this created in many, a tough skin. Many know how to combat day to day life and the battles that come with it, but very few are equipped to handle spiritual battles. 

Some may not even be able to explain what they are experiencing: seeing shadows, hearing voices, feeling the presence of someone or something, when no one is around. These among other paranormal activities affect more people than you may imagine. Perhaps you are one of these people and are wondering how to deal with such occurrences.


Resist just as Jesus resisted the darts the devil threw at Him. Only He was able to cast out and expel evil while here on earth because of the power He holds. 

He still holds this power today and when you use His name, in faith, evil cannot contest. 

Want to learn more on resistance? Visit your local Universal Church this Friday. You will experience true deliverance and also learn how to win those spiritual battles once and for all.

May the God of the Bible bless you!

Bishop Bira Joshua