We live in a time of significant challenges. COVID 19 impacted the world economy and affected many people’s daily lives; without social exclusion, color, or nationality, the virus devastated many lives… From the richest to the poorest.

Many people lost loved ones, jobs, and peace. In addition, the the increase of anxiety and depression, there was intense fear and insecurity about the future (which in many people generated suicidal thoughts).

Where can one find the strength to overcome during these times, and also overcome the other difficulties in life?

No matter the situation, the Holy Spirit is the solution to all of your problems. He not only heals the pain of the soul, but He also gives you the right to be called a child of God! Understand that this goes far beyond belonging to a religious institution. When you have the Holy Spirit, you belong to God. And when you belong to God, you have the rights to His blessings. 

Having the Holy Spirit is more precious than wealth, fame, or even family. The Lord’s word says:

“Now, if anybody doesn’t have the Spirit of Christ, he’s not His.” (Romans 8:9)

Those who belong to God have strength, direction and don’t let themselves get carried away by everyday problems.

The Holy Spirit is available to fill you with strength and peace. Even if you don’t feel worthy of having Him because of past mistakes, or you think that no one sees anything good in you.  Know that the Lord Jesus sees good in you! All you need to do is have faith and sincerity to receive Him and be transformed from inside out. 

May the God of the Bible bless you,

Bishop Joshua Fonseca