Take a look at the world today…

What do you see?

Death, violence, storms, tragedies, fear, uncertainty, and all that comes with these things. It seems like we are living in a movie about an apocalypse. And yet it is not a movie. What is happening is very real and we see the world in an uproar.

But did you know that none of the things happening is a surprise? None of the tragedies that have taken place in 2020 so far are shocking. They have been shocking to the world, but not to those who know the word of God.

Our Lord Jesus said,

Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away.

(Matthew 24:35)

God created heaven and earth, but the Lord Jesus said that heaven (the heaven that God created Himself) and the earth would pass away. But HIS words would never pass away. Meaning what He says, you can count on it to be true.

This does not only apply to the promises like a blessed marriage, good financial standings, a healthy body, etc. He was also talking about things that are happening nowadays. Violence, pestilence, abuse, and so forth. These things are written in the Bible. And now they are happening.

You should not be surprised as you see the world getting worst and worst. What you should do is look to Jesus and invest in what matters most… your walk with Him. Because if you are faithful to the Lord and give Him all of your life, without holding back any part of you. He will strengthen you and prepare you for all the tribulations to come. And He will ensure that none of them will destroy you.

May the God of the Bible bless you

Bishop Joshua Fonseca