Everyone wants a better life. Everyone wants to prosper, succeed in marriage, be healthy, have children that make them proud, and one day, die in peace. 

The problem is that in life, you seem to fall back constantly. It seems like every time you take one step forward, you wind up taking ten steps backward, and it becomes more and more discouraging each time. 

I’ve got good news for you! This year can be different for you. Actually, from today, things can change. There is one step that you can take, and you will never experience the fallback again. The step is simple but requires determination. The secret is to let the Lord Jesus take control of your life. 

It is written: 

Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed. (John 8:36)

I challenge you today, based on this Word. Either the Word of God is the truth or a lie. Either It works or It doesn’t. But I am SURE that It is the truth and that It works in the life of those who put It into practice. And therein lies the challenge…

I challenge you to allow the Lord Jesus to take the lead in your life from today onward. Let every decision, plan, and even disappointment be presented to Him and allow Him to guide your mind and your decisions. 

From that very moment, I DOUBT that you will ever fall back again. You have fallen back long enough; it’s time to use your faith and stand. 

May the God of the Bible bless you.

Bishop Joshua Fonseca