I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve seen a person’s expression drop when I speak to them about facing problems. They are unable to hide their disappointment at the fact that just being Christian and in a church doesn’t make them exempt from problems.

Yes, you come to God with a truckload of bad situations and He does indeed deliver you from them all. But along your walk with Him there are always more bumps in the road.

Unfortunately, it seems that many people are not prepared for this. Maybe they assume that life will be plain sailing just because they are with Jesus. Or maybe it’s the fear of losing control and being overcome by your problems.

I ask you: Where is your fighting Spirit? Where is that, ‘come what may’ attitude of faith that gives you peace even in the midst of so much trouble.

I’ll tell you where it is; it’s been given a back seat as the situation that you’ve found yourself in has taken over – it’s like you can’t see past all the pain and hardships that you currently face. That’s what Satan does, he makes your problems seem bigger than your God. He keeps you so worried about how your problems will be solved and has you running around for solutions without even consulting God.

In this day and age, we cannot afford to let our guard down or try to go it alone without the Spirit of God. Your fighting Spirit is His Spirit inside of you. 

“For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 8:38-39

When your fighting Spirit is the Holy Spirit then regardless of what’s going on around you, or what problem you face, you are not shaken. You do not live in fear and feelings of anxiety and panic do not take you over. Instead, the Holy Spirit inside of youbrings a calm assurance that although things may be bad, God will see you through. And it is in this faith, that you keep on fighting until your situation changes.

So, the next time you see yourself, panicking or feeling overwhelmed by problems, seek for your fighting Spirit – the Holy Spirit. Invite Him to take control of your heart and mind and to direct your every step. There is nothing more powerful than having God Himself inside of you. You will never fear tomorrow, because God is already there!

May the God of the Bible bless you.

Bishop Joshua Fonseca