It’s easy to judge the drug addicts you see on the streets; to shake your head and blame them for all the ills of this world.But what happens when the named addict is your own family member – your flesh and blood who after a series of wrong decisions has gotten caught up in a life of addiction and crime?

Judgement turns to pain.

Addiction and the lifestyle that comes with it can easily take its toll on all family members. Not knowing if that person will come home, having to keep an eye on your valuables in casethey get stolen, and feeling rejected and replaced by a substance,is no way to live.

That’s when the pain turns to fear.

• How will this family member’s life end up? 

• Will they ever get out of prison? 

• Will the next knock on the door be more bad news?

Fear is what cripples you. It stops you from making rational decisions. It freezes you in time because you don’t know what action to take next. And it blocks you from remembering all that God has promised.

Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.’” Isaiah 41:10

Society may have written off your loved one and perhaps even their wrong decisions may be taking them to dark places. But God never forgets or gives up on them; He wants you to entrust your family into His hands. He has promised to help thosefamily members who have dug themselves in such a pit that not even they can see a way out.

But fear will block this from happening; it doesn’t allow you tosee God’s power. If you are struck by fear every time you think of that troublesome loved one, then it is a clear sign that you have not yet trusted them in God’s hands.

Pray for your family, but let God be God. Let Him do as He promised.

He specializes in the impossible.

May the God of the Bible bless you.

Bishop Joshua Fonseca