There are many who do not like to hear the truth or to face reality, but I have to be honest with you, in order to bless you. When your life is cursed, you have nothing to offer. Why do I say, “you have nothing to offer?” I say that because when you are cursed, even what you have to offer is cursed, so it will turn out bad.

Maybe at this moment, you are saying, that sounds really harsh, but the truth is, what is harsh is what is happening in your life. You work… but do not have enough money to survive, you get married… but fight every day, you get over one illness… immediately another one comes, you hated your father’s addiction… but now you have the same. It’s like nothing goes well for you. That is harsh. That is unfair. That is frustrating.

How many times have you asked yourself, “what is wrong with me?” You wonder why can’t you be happy, etc. The problem is, that the curse is destroying you and there is only one way to solve it. You must place your life and your all on God’s Altar. The Altar is the place that no curse can survive. When you surrender your life, your dreams, your desires, your resources, your all on God’s Altar, He will manifest His power and break that curse once and for all. And from that very moment, your life will start to flourish. The decision is yours, and you are the only one that can take the action to get yourself out of the cursed life and into a blessed life. This Sunday is the opportunity in every Universal Church, to go from Cursed to Blessed. The choice is yours… ask yourself, “what do I have to lose?”

May the God of the Bible Bless You

Bishop Bira Fonseca