In this world, we are used to always having a Plan B just in case things don’t go as planned. We keep savings for “a rainy day”, we keep an extra set of car keys “just in case” if we hear a storm is coming we buy extra food “in case we need it”. We are always looking for a backup option. But with God we can not do that. 

For example, King David said, 

“The Lord is my keeper” Psalm 121:5

He was saying that he depended one hundred percent on God. There was no backup. He did not say, the Lord is my keeper, sometimes. We can not make God our keeper (provider, protector, shield, etc.) one day, and the next we rely on our own strength, talents, abilities, etc. If the Lord is who we depend on, then we must depend on Him all the time. 

And how can I show the Lord that I depend on Him? When I submit my life in His hands. When I put all my trust, all my faith, all my dependency on Him. When I hold back nothing from Him. Then I can say He is my keeper. And then I will see His great power in my life. 

May the God of the Bible Bless You

Bishop Bira Fonseca