Have you ever heard of the disease called leprosy? I’m sure most of you have. Leprosy is an incurable disease. But now a-days it is treatable. However, in the time of Jesus there was no medication or treatment for it. Those who had leprosy had to be quarantined and isolated in another city because it is a contagious disease. 

With that in mind, there were ten lepers who came to Jesus asking for help and Jesus showed His power and healed their flesh from the physical disease. It’s important to note, that in order to see Gods power you need to use your faith. It’s not just about asking God to have mercy on you, you need to manifest a real faith as well. 

After blessing the lepers, Jesus told them to go see the priest and as they were on their way to see the priest they were cleansed. But funny enough, out of ten men who were healed only one of them came back to thank Jesus. The Lord Jesus told him, 

“Your faith has made you well.” 

Luke 17:17-19 

His body was already healed but now Jesus healed his soul as well. 

The others were healed from the disease of the flesh. Just like today, all the problems people face in life symbolize the disease of the flesh such as sickness, addictions, debts, family problems, unemployment, etc. 

But God doesn’t only want to heal the diseases of the flesh, He also wants to heal the disease of the soul as well. He wants to heal you from anxiety, panic, fears, depression, suicidal thoughts and so on. 

Your flesh can be healed, but what about your soul? Your soul also needs healing and the only one who can heal your soul is God. Bear this in mind when you are seeking solutions to everyday problems. It’s not wrong to want to heal the disease of the flesh, but don’t forget about the soul. 

May the God of the Bible bless all of you! 

Bishop Bira Fonseca