How are you suppose to let go, if someone took away your childhood… your innocence? How are you supposed to forgive if someone killed a family member of yours in cold blood? How do you just let it go, if someone you loved ripped your heart apart and left you with physical and emotional pain?

How do you even begin to forgive? Why would you even try?

The truth of the matter is, If you are keeping grudges in your heart you need to forgive! The longer you hold onto all that pain and all those grudges, you are only harming yourself. As you hold onto those scars and that pain you are taking yourself back into that scenario all over again, re-living every moment. When you chose not to forgive, it brings a physical and emotional toll on you and believe it or not a grudge can tear you apart. It can cause you to head into depression, suicide, anxiety, panic attacks, fits of rage, anger, violence and so on. Not to mention the many health problems that this severe grudge and pain can physically cause you. 

Jesus taught us; 
And forgive us our debts,
As we forgive our debtors 
Matthew 6:12

However, when you forgive it’s like a weight lifted off your shoulders. As you forgive, you can move on. Forgiveness is more so for you then it is for the other person. There was a lady I spoke with, though she was in jail, she forgave herself and forgave others. She has been out of jail for over a year now and she is moving forward in life, she is developing.

If you are a person who needs to forgive or if you feel guilty about something you did, you need to others and first of all forgive yourself, then you need to spill it out to God and your Father will forgive you. After that you need to forgive the person who has caused you harm. Forgiveness is about faith! Faith to forgive and faith to accept forgiveness. Faith to apologize and faith to confess your sins. Forgiveness is all about faith, not feelings! You can do it, just decide to. 

May the God of the Bible bless all of you!

Bishop Bira Fonseca